Bernard Buffet Official - Rights & Contact

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Do you have questions or comments regarding this website or Bernard Buffet’s work? Feel free to contact us using the form below. We only handle enquiries related to the site’s content, as well as projects associated with Bernard Buffet’s work.

For enquiries regarding the purchase and sale of artworks: 

Please note that we do not handle the sale or authentication of works. For the purchase or sale of Bernard Buffet’s artworks, we encourage you to contact an art gallery or auction house.

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Bernard Buffet Official - Contact us




Guidelines for the Use of Bernard Buffet's Works



All works by Bernard Buffet displayed on this site are protected under international copyright laws. We ask that you strictly respect these rights when using reproductions of Bernard Buffet's works.

Personal and Educational Use:

Images of Bernard Buffet’s works may be used for personal and educational purposes in a non-commercial context, such as academic presentations, school research, or educational projects. However, you must always credit the artist and provide the image source when using it.

For the use of texts from the site, please credit or Timothé Buffet.


Commercial Use: 

All commercial uses of Bernard Buffet's works require explicit permission. This includes, but is not limited to, usage in publications, derivative products, advertising campaigns, commercial websites and exhibitions. To obtain authorisation for commercial use, please follow the procedure outlined below.

Usage License:

If you wish to use Bernard Buffet's works for commercial purposes, please contact the relevant copyright management organisations (ADAGP in France and its sister societies abroad) to discuss available licensing options. Each request will be reviewed individually, and licensing terms, including any applicable fees, will be agreed upon based on the usage and context.

Authentication of Bernard Buffet's works 


Identifying an original work

For paintings and drawings: The signature 'Bernard Buffet' alone is not enough to guarantee the authenticity of a work. A certificate of authenticity issued by qualified experts is essential to prove the origin of a Bernard Buffet work. For any authentication process, we recommend contacting an art gallery, auction house, or a recognised expert firm.

For prints: Prints can also be subject to counterfeits or false attributions. It is recommended to seek the assistance of professionals when considering the acquisition of Bernard Buffet prints.


Bernard Buffet's paintings have been reproduced on various media, allowing a wider audience to appreciate his art. Notably, around the 1960s, highly faithful reproductions on panels were distributed. Today, these reproductions can be found for sale online or in shops, and they are sometimes discovered in relatives' homes. We receive numerous inquiries regarding these reproductions, which, to the untrained eye, can be mistaken for original works.

A few clues to distinguish these reproductions from an original work:

/ 01 They are printed on a very thin panel, so they are by no means an oil on canvas. / 02 A label indicating the name of the publisher or printer, the serial number, and the title of the original work may be present. / 03 The majority of these reproductions are based on paintings from the 1950s to the early 1970s. / 04 An online search may reveal the existence of identical pieces to yours.

If doubts remain, consult an art market professional, who can quickly tell you whether you have a reproduction in your possession.


Unfortunately, it is common to encounter unauthorised reproductions and counterfeits of Bernard Buffet's works. We recommend exercising caution and turning to reliable and reputable sources for the acquisition and authentication of his works.