Seizing the moment
What could be more fitting than an object to capture the essence of a moment? Bernard Buffet's early still lifes, dark and sparse compositions, tell us about the deprivations of the Second World War.
Then came prosperity. The man's destiny seemed to mirror that of his country. France was being rebuilt, and the painter experienced great success. Step by step, his still lifes became more vibrant and abundant.
However, Bernard Buffet remained in search of inner peace. From the 1960s onwards, some of his canvases featured an accumulation of alcohol bottles. Behind the carefree facade, the artist drank to soothe his demons.
In the 1980s, Bernard Buffet moved to Tourtour. This timeless place enveloped him in tranquility. The artist sought to capture every corner of it. His newfound enthusiasm for life was reflected in his paintings, which featured warmer colours and more cheerful compositions than ever before.